Wednesday, September 30, 2015

My First Daze Off

Monday I did nothing, and it was glorious!

Tuesday - I overdid it, and it was even better!!!

I decided to make the trek out to Memphis just to see Graceland.  I have never been, but thought it should be something I see before I die.  Not exactly bucket list because it wasn't a mandatory priority, but something still on the radar.

Graceland did not disappoint.
From the moment of arriving until the very end, it was one of the most entertaining and informative tours I have been on.  Better than any wine or beer or ice cream tour.  And it was all hosted by John Stamos!  HAVE MERCY!!
This was my favorite room from the tour.  The Jungle Room.  A place to relax and a place to practice music.  The ceiling is carpeted for acoustics - but what I really LOVED was the carvings on the furniture.  Those dragon heads ROCK!!  
I was impressed by this plaque.  This was a small list of several people that Elvis decided to help out along the way.  Anytime he heard of someone having financial difficulty, he wrote them a $1000 check.  He would do the same for charities and research facilities.  He donated over $1,000,000 in his lifetime.  Which was a lot for back then.
And no tour to Graceland would be complete without a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich:

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